David St-Onge


In early 2018, a colleague introduced David to Bitcoin and blockchains.

"Since then, I haven't stopped devouring all the books I found on the subject, following the influential personalities of "Bitcoin Twitter" daily and collecting dozens of articles on the subject. I now wish to bring to the French-speaking world evangelization tools about Bitcoin through the translation and writing of books as well as the proposal of a course on Bitcoin.”

You can find his book, titled "Tout Sur Bitcoin", at https://toutsurbitcoin.com.

Books recommended by

David St-Onge

Money Dethroned
Money Dethroned
What Has Government Done to Our Money?
What Has Government Done to Our Money?
Why Buy Bitcoin
Why Buy Bitcoin
The Lessons of History
The Lessons of History
Mastering Bitcoin
Mastering Bitcoin
The Price of Tomorrow
The Price of Tomorrow
21 Lessons
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Layered Money
Layered Money
Programming Bitcoin
Programming Bitcoin
Inventing Bitcoin
Inventing Bitcoin

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